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Workers from the U.S. Tsubaki plant are standing in the co

Daily newsbrief journal for February 2012, also see for a global 100-page perpetual brief and follow twitter @usdemocrats

Workers from the U.S. Tsubaki plant are standing in the co

Postby admin » Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:20 pm

Next time an Ohio politician tells you they support labor, or they are for jobs, ask them one question - have you been to Tsubaki?

Right now in Sandusky, workers from the U.S. Tsubaki plant are standing in the cold - locked out of the factory for over a year. A plant that some of them have worked in for 30 years or more.

We feel so passionately for the plight of these courageous and resilient people that we wanted to share their story with you: A portrait of the plight of the American Worker. The story of the Tsubaki workers is the story of far too many people in our great nation.
Please watch this beautiful and powerful video, share it and pledge your support of these workers at

People who gave 20, 30 or some even 40 years to a company and a plant are standing on the sidewalk, worried about feeding their families, wondering if they will have any security in retirement. Tsubaki locked them out, ended contract talks and chained the door, not because these workers were asking for outrageous pay or benefit increases, but because what they really want is to break the union. And if they do, worker protections in this country will fall like dominoes.Understand what is happening at the Tsubaki plant, and what's at stake here, because your workplace could be next.
I'm going to do everything I can to support the Tsubaki workers and I want you to pledge your support to them as well.

Today, the NLRB ruled that Tsubaki had unfairly locked out its workers and demanded that the company come to the bargaining table. And the struggle continues. There are 16 lockouts in the United States that have not been resolved, this is one of them. It is urgent that we support the just cause of workers.
Helping these workers - and working people everywhere - is why I ran for Congress and why I want to stay in Congress. Knowing what's happening in Sandusky, and being part of it, should be the litmus test for people who say they are pro-labor.

Watch the video, join the fight, and when a politician asks you for your vote, ask what they've done for the workers at Tsubaki. ... 2164/VEsA/

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