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They're hoping that for the next two years.. « Thread Starte

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:31 am
by admin
They're hoping that for the next two years.. « Thread Started on Jan 22, 2005, 2:48pm » --------------------------------------------------------------------------------They're hoping that for the next two years we sit on the sidelines, and let them ram their agenda through.But we Democrats will never step aside. While Bush tries to build his legacy on a series of attacks against working families, the middle class, and seniors, Democrats will be there to stand up.We will fight President Bush and his Republican cronies as they try to:Shift the tax burden away from the wealthiest to working families and the middle class by making his disastrous tax schemes permanent. Undermine Social Security for today's seniors and future generations of retirees by privatizing the system. Pack the Supreme Court with right-wing judges who will undermine our basic rights. While his second term is an opportunity to bring us together, to lead all Americans and strengthen the country with policies based on our shared values, President Bush has already started to promote his narrow, partisan agenda.But make no mistake about it. We will stand up and oppose Bush's attacks on our fundamental values. We can only succeed with you and other committed Democrats at our side.Sincerely,Terry McAuliffe