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Congress Must Take Action on a Balanced Solution to Fiscal C

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Congress Must Take Action on a Balanced Solution to Fiscal C

Postby admin » Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:14 am

Congress Must Take Action on a Balanced Solution to Fiscal Cliff


This week, I was honored to be reelected by my colleagues to serve as the Democratic Whip for 113th Congress. I look forward to working with the rest of our leadership team as Democrats continue to do our part to help every family make it in America and set our nation on a sound fiscal path.

As we approach the end of the year, there is a long list of critical legislation that must be addressed. Unfortunately, instead of working towards bipartisan solutions to these expiring issues, House Republicans wasted time this week on a partisan bill to extend the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) visas. While we must continue to attract highly-educated professionals in the STEM field, Republicans once again chose to take a partisan stance on an issue that enjoys bipartisan support. I was disappointed by their unwillingness to work towards the bipartisan solutions that Americans need.

I’m also disappointed that House Republicans have not taken action to extend tax cuts for middle class families and small businesses. While the fiscal cliff negotiations continue, the House should immediately pass the bipartisan Senate bill to extend middle class tax cuts and provide certainty to middle class families and small businesses.

It is also imperative that Congress take action to prevent our country from going over the fiscal cliff by reaching a balanced agreement. Democrats have put forward our proposal, and Republicans need to do the same. I am hopeful that Republicans will put the interest of the American people before party so that we can get our nation on a fiscally sustainable path and grow and strengthen our economy.

Sincerely yours,

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